speeches, addresses, etc

Topical Term
speeches, addresses, etc

Speak up!

speeches by young people to empower & inspire
"'Speak Up!' is a joyful celebration of 45 speeches by children and teenagers who have stood up for causes they passionately believe in and challenged adults in power to take note. This collection is testament to the hopefulness and spirit of the next generation, and the positive belief that we can, and should, act to protect the things we love. From ground-breaking scientific inventions to pleas for the environment, anti-war speeches to incredible testimony of lived experiences, the speeches collected here demonstrate the profound wisdom of youth and why it is important to speak up and out on what concerns us"--Provided by publisher.

Giving thanks

a Native American good morning message
An inspirational message known by Native Americans as the Thanksgiving Address which is based on the belief that the world is a gift.

Civil disobedience, social justice, nationalism & populism, violent demonstrations, and race relations

Provides essays on current topics including civil disobedience, social justice, nationalism & populism, violent demonstrations, and race relations.

Speeches that changed our times

from 1945 to the present
"A volume of 40 speeches [from 1945 onwards], contextualized, explained and then given, in their fundamental passages . . ."--BTCat.

What She Said

The Art of Inspiring Action through Speech
Learn how spoken words can change a mind, a community and the world with this collection of remarkable speeches by women. What She Said is an inspiring collection of speeches from passionate and persuasive women from around the world and throughout history. The included speakers come from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds, ages, and education levels, demonstrating how women from all walks of life can use the power of speech to bring change. Author Monica Lunin has curated and analysed 40 of the greatest speeches made by strong and empowering women from all around the world. From Queen Elizabeth I to Maya Angelou, Greta Thunberg, Julia Gillard, and Michelle Obama, What She Said shows not only what was said but also how the speech worked and why it was effective. In this insightful exploration of female wit, persuasion, and leadership, you'll find an extract of the speech, a biography of the speaker and a breakdown of the qualities that made it so remarkable. -- Provided by publisher.

Strong voices

fifteen American speeches worth knowing
Collects fifteen speeches made by notable American icons including Patrick Henry, Abraham Lincoln, Langston Hughes, Martin Luther King, Jr., Cesar Chavez, Lou Gehrig, and Hillary Rodham Clinton. Provides historical context, illustrations, and critical insight for each speech. Includes an author's note, an illustrator's note, a timeline, and sources for further learning.

The world's poorest president speaks out

"President Jos? Mujica of Uruguay's 2012 speech on climate change delivered to the United Nations"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of The world's poorest president speaks out


world leaders speak
"Great speeches can inform, inspire, and move people to do great things. This book introduces 12 famous and meaningful speeches. The speakers include Barack Obama, Steve Jobs, and other important leaders from around the globe. Such a diverse collection of speeches will open your eyes and ears to the power of the spoken word"--Provided by publisher.

Mindy Kim, class president

"It's time to pick a class president, and Mindy really wants to win--and she's basing her entire campaign on snacks and being kind, so how could she NOT be chosen? But there is one big thing that Mindy is not sure she can do--make a speech to her class about why she would be the best pick for president. Can Mindy face her fears and show the class--and herself--that she can be the best class president ever?"--Amazon.com.

A Word From the Wise

Great Speeches
Presents a compilation of great speeches throughout history. Some speakers were heroes, fighting for equality and justice. Some were U.S. presidents, addressing the nation during troubled times.


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