Chronicle of America's wars

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The Vietnam War

The Vietnam War explores this terrible conflict, from its origins to the final fall of South Vietnam. It covers the crucial battles and key characters in the only war the United States has ever lost.

The Cold War

Chonicles the Cold War, from its origins in the Soviet Revolution as the twentieth century began to the collapse of the Soviet Union as the century closed.

The Korean War

On the night of June 24, 1950, ninety thousands troops from North Korea invaded South Korea in an attempt to unify the country under Communist rule, sparking the Korea War.

The American Revolution

Chronicles the America Revolution, including the causes, strategies, and characters of the war, both famous and lesser-known.

The Indian wars

Examines the battles and treaties between native peoples and early European settlers of what was to become the United States, from the early 1600s to the late 1800s.

The Korean War

Chronicles the events which drew the United States into the Korean War and explains how it lead to the Cold War struggle between the Communist Soviet Union and the United States.

The Mexican-American War

Offers a comprehensive overview of the Mexican-American war, chronicling the war's key events and profiling people who made significant contributions to the war for both sides.

The War of 1812

Chronicles the War of 1812, describing its causes, its major battles, and its impact on the U.S.'s reputation around the world, and includes a glossary, a time line, and a further reading list.

World War I

Examines events that led to the outbreak of World War I, discusses the expansion of the conflict, provides an account of U.S. involvement in the battle, and describes the negotiations that put an end to the fighting.

World War II

A chronicle of the United States and Allied forces' involvement in World War II Europe, including the political and social motivations for entering the war as well as major air, land, and sea campaigns.


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