actions and defenses

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actions and defenses

From the closet to the courtroom

five LGBT rights lawsuits that have changed our nation
Examines five key cases that have changed gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender rights and the nation, covering family, harassment, discrimination, marriage, and sex.

Fight Back & Win

What To Do When You Feel Cheated or Wronged
Even if you are the kind of person who abides by "live-and-let live", you are going to be jolted by an occasional bump in the road. Sometimes its a minor problem: you've made a hotel reservation, but when you arrive there is no room. Or your car comes out of the carwash with an ugly scratch and the operator won't pay for the repair. Sometimes it is much more serious: You discover that your pension plan is on the verge of bankruptcy, or the IRS threatens to seize your home if you do not pay back taxes right away. These problems and hundreds of other "what can I do?" scenarios are featured in eighteen chapters.

Teachers on trial

values, standards & equity in judging conduct and competence

Tort reform

Presents both sides of the issues regarding legal reforms of certain lawsuits that some lawmakers consider frivolous and costly to the American consumer.

Teens take it to court

young people who challenged the law--and changed your life
Describes the issues and outcomes of twenty-one court cases involving teenagers, which address debates over privacy rights at school, sexual harassment at school, school rules regarding personal appearance, mental health treatment against a teen's will, grandparents' visitation rights, being tried as an adult, and other topics.
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