Provides information about alcohol, how it acts on the body, the social and medical problems associated with alcohol use, and alcohol use among different populations, looks at controversies associated with alcohol, and includes references and resources for further study.
"Alcohol Abuse: Excessive Alcohol Consumption Creates Numerous Health Risks; Moderate Alcohol Consumption Provides Health Benefits; Underage Drinking Leads to Risky Behavior and Alcohol Abuse; Lowering the Legal Drinking Age Could Reduce Alcohol Abuse in Young People; Maintaining the Legal Drinking Age of 21 Helps Prevent Alcohol Abuse; Alcoholism Is a Brain Disease; Alcoholism Is Not a Disease; Alcoholism Is a Genetic Disorder; Alcoholics Anonymous Is an Effective Treatment Program; Alcoholics Anonymous Is a Flawed Treatment Program; Cognitive Therapy Can Be an Effective Treatment for Alcoholism; Binge Drinking Is a Serious Problem for Underage Drinkers; Drinking Alcohol While Pregnant Harms the Baby; Alcohol Abuse Is Increasing Among Military Personnel; Alcohol Abuse Affects Men and Women Differently"--.
Details the evolution of America's drinking patterns throughout its history, and explores alcohol's relationship to modern media, ethics, race and family life, and the contemporary role of alcohol in youth culture.
Presents a comprehensive history of beer, wine, spirits, coffee, tea, and cola from ancient times through to the twenty-first century, and discusses their individual importance throughout the centuries to culture and society.
Presents a radical approach to understanding and harnessing the emotional forces that drive addictions, describing the factors all addictions share and suggesting a new way of treating the addict's disease.