Animal secrets revealed!

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The shocking secret of the electric eel...and more!

Students will discover amazing adaptations that help animals survive in their environments.

The secret of the squiggly green bombers-- and more!

Students will discover amazing adaptations that help animals survive in their environments.

The secret of the scorpion-eating meerkats...and more!

Readers will tag along with scientists as they uncover intriguing adaptations that help animals survive in their environments.
Cover image of The secret of the scorpion-eating meerkats...and more!

Secret of the suffocating slime trap-- and more!

Explains how hagfish excrete slime to evade predators and details other strange abilities of different types of animals.

Secret of the sleepless whales-- and more!

Explains how and why whales live without much sleep and examines the strange abilities of other animals.

Secret of the plant-killing ants-- and more!

Looks at some of the incredible things ants do, discussing the use of the powerful synchrotron X-ray machine to see how they breathe, explaining how ants identify each other, uncovering the mystery behind devil's gardens in the Amazon rain forest of Peru, and showing how army ants in Panama create high-speed trails to bring food to the colony.

Secret of the singing mice-- and more!

Explains how mice use ultrasonic vocalizations to attract mates and details other strange abilities of different types of animals.

Secret of the bloody hippo-- and more!

Examines various curiosities in the animal kingdom, including the reason for a lion's mane, why giraffes have such a strong sense of smell, what is the reason for the sticky sweat of the hippopotamuses, and other topics.

Secret of the puking penguins-- and more!

Explains how King penguin fathers preserve food in their stomachs for their chicks and details other strange abilities of different types of animals.
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