Modern wonders of the world

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Sydney Opera House

Photographs and text provide a detailed description of the Sydney Opera House in Australia, with information on the construction of the landmark which officially opened in 1973, subsequent additions, and its status as a symbol of the country.

Empire State Building

Photographs and text provide a detailed description of the Empire State Building in New York City, with information on the construction of the landmark in the 1930s, its long reign as the tallest building in the world, and its status as a symbol of America.

Golden Gate Bridge

Photographs and text provide a detailed description of the Golden Gate Bridge which spans the San Francisco Bay in California, with information on the construction of the landmark in the 1930s, and its subsequent maintenance and use.

Suez Canal

Photographs and text provide a detailed description of the Suez Canal in the Egyptian desert which allows water transport between Europe and Asia without circumnavigation of Africa, with information on the construction of the landmark in the mid-nineteenth century, and its subsequent enlargement, maintenance, and use.

Mount Rushmore

Photographs and text provide a detailed description of the Mount Rushmore monument in South Dakota, with information on the construction of the landmark, which lasted from 1927 to 1941, and its subsequent maintenance, improvement of the grounds, and elevation to the status of a symbol of America.

Eiffel Tower

Photographs and text provide a detailed description of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, with information on the construction of the landmark as a showpiece for the 1889 Universal Exposition of the Products of Industry in France, its subsequent maintenance, and its status as a symbol of the country.
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