cigarette habit

Topical Term
cigarette habit

Know about smoking

Discusses the smoking scene, including such aspects as the conflict between smokers and non-smokers and cigarette advertising.

Ashes to ashes

America's hundred-year cigarette war, the public health, and the unabashed triumph of Philip Morris
A history of the American tobacco industry, looking at the companies and their leaders who have been able to overcome all doomsayers to continue peddling their product.

1,440 reasons to quit smoking

(one for every minute of the day)
Presents one reason to quit smoking for each minute of the day--1,440 in all--such as "Tracheotomies," "Wheezing doesn't sound sexy," and "The money you'll save from smoking a pack a day will buy you a $1,000 gift in just one year.".

Tobacco and smoking

opposing viewpoints
Presents differing opinions on the addictiveness of tobacco, the responsibility of individual smokers, the health effects of tobacco use, and other related issues.

Tobacco and your mouth

the incredibly disgusting story
Discusses addiction to cigarettes, how it is encouraged by advertising, the physiological damage it can cause, reasons to avoid starting, and ways to quit.

A right to smoke?

Presents arguments and evidence showing the negative effects of smoking, and asks the reader to decide whether smoking is worth the risks associated with it.

Let's talk about smoking

Discusses the dangers of smoking and ways to avoid starting this habit.


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