Presents a guide to amphetamines such as crystal methamphetamine, Ritalin, and other stimulants, discusses the physiological effects of their use, and offers advice on overcoming addiction.
Discusses the nature of drugs, both good and bad, the different kinds of drugs and their effects, why people use them, how to tell when someone has a drug problem, and how to get help.
A brief study of the serious effects of various types of pain relievers including vicodin and oxycontin, their history and suggestions for overcoming the abuse.
Explores the history of alcohol, discusses its physiological effects on the body, examines why people use it and underage drinking, and offers advice on prevention and treatment of alcohol abuse.
Explores the history of steroids, discusses who uses them, describes the physiological effects of using them, offers advice on overcoming addiction, and comments on other performance enhancing drugs.
Provides an introduction to the history of drugs in the U.S., explains what heroin is, how it is used, who uses the drug, and how it affects the body, and discusses addiction, withdrawal, detox, and treatment.
Provides information on diet pills, discussing a culture which is focused on weight, appetite suppressants, fat burners, metabolism boosters, body image, and other related topics, and examining potential dangers of their use.