The heroes of Metru Nui, transformed into the bestial Toa Hordika, struggle to save the Matoran from a horrible fate when the city of legends falls to the monstrous Visorak.
With the battle of Metru Nui over, Toa Vakama sets out to recover the Mask of Time from the floor of the sea and enters a temporal nightmare that makes him question his sanity.
The Toas--guardians who watch over the six parts of the city of Metru Nui--band together in an attempt to solve the mystery of why the Matoran people are disappearing, and who or what is destroying the city.
The Toa Metru must overcome countless dangers in their quest to save the Matoran from an endless sleep, but a savage surprise waits them in the City of Legends.
Betrayed after defeating the Morbuzakh and the Krahka, three of the Toa Metru are arrested and learn more about their new powers from a mysterious stranger in prison.
The Toa Metru are nearly powerless after their defeat of the Morbuzakh, but they cannot rest because they must go underground to save the city of Metru Nui's archives that contain the history of the city, the Matoran, and the Toa.
The Toa, desperate to find the Disks of Power that would allow them to defeat the Morbuzakh plant that was destroying the city of Metru Nui,turn to the Matoran for help, only to discover that one of them is a traitor.