Science works!

Compare Series: 

Be a crime scene investigator

Presents a series of investigations that demonstrate how science is used to collect and identify evidence at a crime scene.

Be a storm chaser

Provides insights into the science skills and knowledge storm chasers use to predict weather and describes extreme weather around the world.

Be a demolition engineer

Provides insight into the scientific skills and knowledge demolition engineers use on the job.

Up, down, all around

a story of gravity
Presents an introduction to gravity, in simple text with illustrations, providing an explanation of how it works as Zac takes a trip on a space shuttle.

Staying alive

the story of a food chain
Simple text and illustrations describe the food chain and how plants and animals are connected through it.

The rock factory

the story about the rock cycle
Presents an introduction to the rock cycle, providing information on how molten lava from the earth's core is transformed into a piece of rock in a little boy's hand.

A drop in the ocean

the story of water
Follows a drop of water as it cycles from droplet to vapor and back to water and describes its journeys in between.

Sun up, sun down

the story of day and night
Follows the sun from dawn to dusk to explain how light rays travel, how shadows are formed, how the moon lights up the night sky, and more.


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