population policy

Geographic Name
population policy

One child

the story of China's most radical experiment

One child

the story of China's most radical experiment
"When Communist Party leaders adopted the one-child policyin 1980, they hoped curbing birth-rates would help lift China's poorest and increase the country's global stature. But at what cost? Now, as China closes the book on the policy after more than three decades, it faces a population grown too old and too male, with a vastly diminished supply of young workers.--Amazon.com.

Nazi policy, Jewish workers, German killers

Examines three controversial issues in Holocaust scholarship, including the decision and policy-making in the Nazi regime that led to the attempt to totally eliminate the Jews; the use of Jewish labor; and the attitudes, motivations, and adaptations of ordinary Germans who carried out Nazi policy at the local level.

Slaughter of the innocents

coercive birth control in China
Traces China's one-child-per-family population control program, with primary source documents explaining how the program has been carried out and the impact it has had on birth control practices in the country.

Just one child

science and policy in Deng's China
Presents a detailed study of the controversial one-child policy in China, with a focus on the policy-making process during the years between 1978 and 1980, and the socio-political consequences.

Population and food

Examines changes in the world's population and discusses food production methods and social policies that can help to ensure enough food for all.
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