Issues of our time

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a knife that cuts both ways
Describes the world's move toward preemptive action rather than reaction in foreign policy, crime fighting, and various aspects of society, examining consequences of this for civil liberties and human rights and suggesting ways to achieve balance between security and freedom.

Isolation vs. intervention

is America the world's police force?
Discusses isolationism and intervention both as philosophies and with reference to major historical events including the World Wars, the Cold War, Haiti, and Bosnia.

The American family

can it survive?
Photographs and text examine the changes taking place in the structure of families in the United States, new types of families, and factors influencing families today.

Whistling Vivaldi

and other clues to how stereotypes affect us
Examines the role of what the author calls identity contingencies in the lives of individuals and in society as a whole, focusing on stereotype threat, arguing that people who believe they may be judged based on a bad stereotype do not perform as well, and showing how to overcome the problem.

Family abuse

why do people hurt each other?
A discussion of family violence and abuse telling of emotional and sexual abuse, and how to heal after receiving abuse.


can we solve the problem?
Discusses homelessness, its causes, the problems the homeless face, and what the government and citizens can do about it.

Adolescent rights

are young people equal under the law?
Provides an overview of how the legal system has treated children in the past and discusses the rights young people have today.


how should it be controlled
Discusses the history of immigration, immigration laws, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and immigration issues.
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