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Prepare for trouble

Jessie, James, and Meowth try to be the greatest Pok?mon thieves.
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Go west, young Ash

Ash, Pikachu, and friends travel through the deep, dark forest on their way to the Wild West, encountering a theft, a rescue, and a mystery to solve along the way.
Cover image of Go west, young Ash

All fired up

Ash is torn between allowing Charizard, his only fire Pok?mon, to become strong by leaving Ash forever, or keeping Charizard to realize his dreams of becoming a Pok?mon Master.
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Thundershock in Pummelo Stadium

Ash must defeat a Dragonite to win the Winner's Cup.
Cover image of Thundershock in Pummelo Stadium

Talent showdown

When Ash discovers that his old rival, Gary, is competing in the Pok??mon Talent Show, Ash determines to enter and win, but Team Rocket has other plans for all the Pok??mon in the show.
Cover image of Talent showdown

Race to danger

The Pok?mon hot air balloon race is on and the prize is a rare Dratini. Windy could have won but Team Rocket took the wind out of her sails. Ash and his Pok?mon will help.
Cover image of Race to danger

The four-star challenge

Ash needs to adapt to change when the strange gym matches of the Orange Islands Pokemon League take him by surprise.
Cover image of The four-star challenge

Pikachu in love

Team Rocket members James and Jessie are thwarted in their plans to steal a rare blue Shuckle after they drink its juice causing all the Pokemon, including Pikachu, to fall in love with them.


Psyduck ducks out
Misty, Ash, and their Pokemon creatures share many adventures.


Team Rocket stole they key and locked up Pikachu! They put Pikachu in a cage and gave the stolen key to Wobbuffet. But Wobbuffet-- the clumsy blue Pokemon--took off and is lost in the woods. How can Ash and the gang save Pikachu with the only key?.


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