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The great swimming race

An unlikely competitor wins a swimming race between the animals of the sea.

The monster party

A mouse puts his foot down after being disturbed by the monster parties held by Uncle Vlad has in the haunted house every night.

The great escape

Two sheep, Susan and Sarah, are tired of their own field and begin to think of ways to cross over the cattle guard to get into the next field.

Toby's trousers

Harry and Toby, two clowns, go shopping for a new pair of trousers for Toby.

Touch the moon

A king calls for all the boxes in the kingdom so that he can touch the moon, but his short sightedness leads to disastrous results.

Storm treasure

Sarah and her grandfather love to collect things that have washed up on the beach, but one morning after a huge storm, Sarah must decide what to do when she finds lots of starfish at the top of the beach.

The princess and the porcupines

The king and queen want only the finest for Princess Petunia, so they devise a difficult test that her suitor must pass before they will allow her to marry.

Pedro the pirate

Pirate captain Pete and his crew are saved by quick-thinking Pedro the parrot.

Kimberley's scary day

Kimberley the guinea pig is fooled by a smart gentleman when she gets lost in the woods, but fortunately someone steps in to save her.

Cinder Wellie

Based on the story of Cinderella, Cinder Wellie, a dairymaid and cabbage picker, loses her boot in the mud but reclaims it at the barn dance after her Fairy Dogmother turns a cabbage into a coach so that she can attend.


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