Presents a children's book for early readers that describes living in a suburban community, and describes neighborhoods and the different kinds of homes, community services such as hospitals, police, and firemen, and more.
Explains how symbols strengthen small and large communities and presents examples of symbols, including holidays, fairs, flags, songs, and documents such as the Declaration of Independence.
Text and color photos introduce the natural, human, and capital resources one usually finds in cities, suburbs, rural areas, and schools, and explain how these resources are shared.
Explains how symbols strengthen small and large communities and presents examples of symbols, including holidays, fairs, flags, songs, and documents such as the Declaration of Independence.
Text and color photos introduce the process of community lawmaking, explaining why rules are important and covering such topics as judges, town meetings, and citizens' rights and responsibilities.
Presents a children's book for early readers that describes living in a suburban community, and describes neighborhoods and the different kinds of homes, community services such as hospitals, police, and firemen, and more.
A children's book for early readers that describes living in a rural community, discussing taking care of animals, working on a farm, going to town, and more.
Introduces the differences between rural and urban communities and describes the land, resources, and climates of mountain, island, polar, and desert communities.
Text and color photos describe several community needs and wants, such as food, clean water, shelter, safety, and leadership, and explain how each is met.
Text and color photos introduce the people who play important roles in a school community, including students, teachers, the principal, the librarian, the nurse, lunchroom workers, bus drivers, and crossing guards.