fantasy fiction, english

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fantasy fiction, english

Philip Pullman, master storyteller

a guide to the worlds of His dark materials

Read on-- fantasy fiction

reading lists for every taste
Contains reading lists for fantasy fiction novels, grouping eight hundred titles in over one hundred thematic lists.

Understanding The lord of the rings

A guide to reading and understanding J.R.R. Tolkein's "Lord of the Rings" which provides a comprehensive examination of the story's structure, detailed analysis of important concepts, a biography of the author, plot summaries, and character descriptions.

The magical worlds of Harry Potter

a treasury of myths, legends, and fascinating facts
Looks to mythology, folklore, and literature to investigate the sources of ideas for some of the images, characters, and themes found in J. K. Rowling's stories of fledgling wizard Harry Potter.

A Tolkien bestiary

Presents illustrated definitions in alphabetical order of all the imaginary beasts, monsters, races, nations, duties, fauna, and flora of the worlds of middle-earth and the Undying Lands. Also includes a map and a chronology of allthe ages.

God, the devil, and Harry Potter

a Christian minister's defense of the beloved novels
Christian minister John Killinger addresses the many objections Christians have to the "Harry Potter" novels, arguing that the books do not teach witchcraft and the occult, but rather are a retelling of the gospels and offer important lessons on morals and the teachings of Jesus.

The best supernatural tales of Arthur Conan Doyle

Contains fifteen short stories Sir Arthur Conan Doyle published between 1880 and 1921, and includes stories about Egyptian mummies, conventional ghosts, and man-eating plants.

The tough guide to Fantasyland

Contains alphabetically arranged entries that provide guidance for visitors to Fantasyland, telling what to do when captured by a Goblin, where to find a Healer when stricken with the Plague, and how to manage other aspects of traveling in the imaginative hinterlands.


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