Slepian, Curtis

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Digging up dinosaurs

Learn how a dinosaur fossil makes its way from the ground to a museum exhibit starting with paleontologists who locate fossils and dig them up. Then, the bones are cleaned and preserved, and museum experts must figure out how the bones fit together using traditional tools and modern technologies. Next, the fossils are placed in exhibits with realistic poses and background art.

Hamilton vs. Jefferson

Explores the lives and careers of Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton.

All about sports

TIME For Kids The Book of How: All About Sports presents kids with answers to the kinds of intriguing questions that appeal to their sense of curiosity. Colorful graphics, spectacular photos and clear, engaging diagrams will help answer questions such as: How are baseball bats made? How do ice skaters spin so fast? How can you stay upright on a surfboard? And many more.

Big book of how

Provides answers to over five hundred miscellaneous questions about animals, sports, buildings, science, transportation, space, food, and more.

Time for kids that's incredible!

the world's most unbelievable facts & records
Presents an eclectic collection of interesting facts about natural and human-made wonders found on our planet. Includes full-color photographs and an index.
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