Lightning bolt books. Exploring economics

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What is money anyway?

why dollars and coins have value
An introduction to money that discusses what it is made of, the values of coins and bills, how it is used, and other related topics.

Do I need it? or do I want it?

making budget choices
An introduction to budgeting that explains how to make a budget and stick to it, how to decide if something is a need or a want, why it is important to have a budget, and how to save and spend money wisely.

What do we buy?

a look at goods and services
Provides an introduction to goods and services, defines needs and wants, and explains how resources are used.

Do I need it? or do I want it?

making budget choices
An introduction to budgeting that explains how to make a budget and stick to it, how to decide if something is a need or a want, why it is important to have a budget, and how to save and spend money wisely.
Cover image of Do I need it? or do I want it?

What can you do with money?

earning, spending, and saving
Provides an introduction to earning, spending, and saving and discusses goods, services, and how people choose what to buy.
Cover image of What can you do with money?

Who's buying? Who's selling?

understanding consumers and producers
Photographs and simple text introduce young readers to how people buy and sell goods.
Cover image of Who's buying? Who's selling?

What do we buy?

a look at goods and services
Provides an introduction to goods and services, defines needs and wants, and explains how resources are used.
Cover image of What do we buy?

What is money, anyway?

why dollars and coins have value
An introduction to money that discusses what it is made of, the values of coins and bills, how it is used, and other related topics.

Who's buying? Who's selling?

understanding consumers and producers
Photographs and simple text introduce young readers to how people buy and sell goods.

What can you do with money?

earning, spending, and saving
Provides an introduction to earning, spending, and saving and discusses goods, services, and how people choose what to buy.


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