Heneghan, Judith

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All kinds of feelings

"There are all kinds of feelings. We can feel happy and sad, excited and disappointed, worried, angry, curious, and calm. Our feelings change, often several times in one day. When we understand our feelings, it helps us understand how other people are feeling, too. How are you feeling today?"--Provided by publisher.

All kinds of bodies

Explains how people come in different shapes, skin colors,and sizes, and every body is completely unique.

Love your hamster

Text and photographs provide information on having a hamster as a pet.
Cover image of Love your hamster

Love your cat

Describes how to look after a pet cat, covering safety, grooming, and more.
Cover image of Love your cat

Ruby's so rude!

"Nobody likes a rude dragon! That's the lesson Ruby learns as she travels with her friends to have a picnic. By following along with Ruby, readers see what it means to be rude, and they also see how to change rude behavior. This valuable guidance is presented to readers through an engaging story told alongside colorful illustrations. In addition to learning lessons about good manners, readers also develop their vocabulary skills with each turn of the page with the help of a detailed glossary. Reading comprehension skills are also strengthened through the close relationship between the illustrations and text."--Publisher description.
Cover image of Ruby's so rude!

Love your rabbit

Text and photographs provide information on having a rabbit as a pet.

Love your dog

How does one care for a dog? What should it be fed? How should it be trained? These and many other questions are answered in this book. Readers will learn about dogs' needs; the meaning of behaviors such as barking, ear flattening, and bowing; and the process of aging.

Love your dog

How does one care for a dog? What should it be fed? How should it be trained? These and many other questions are answered in this book. Readers will learn about dogs' needs; the meaning of behaviors such as barking, ear flattening, and bowing; and the process of aging.

Ruby's so rude!

Ruby is a rude dragon. She doesn't take turns or help her friends out. When the dragons go to the forest for a picnic she learns a lesson in manners and behavior the hard way.

The magician's apprentice

Jago Stonecipher, a magician's assistant to his unscrupulous uncle in Winchester, England, in 1874, becomes involved in a series of plots and deceits revolving around a lady's maid and her employer's family, and finally escapes to sea, where the trouble follows him, even aboard ship.


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