

Thirteen days in September

the dramatic story of the struggle for peace
Lawrence Wright takes us through each of the thirteen days of the 1978 Camp David conference, delving deeply into the issues and enmities between the two nations, explaining the relevant background to the conflict and to all the major participants at the conference, from the three heads of state to their mostly well-known seconds working furiously behind the scenes.
Cover image of Thirteen days in September

Thirteen days in September

Carter, Begin, and Sadat at Camp David
Examines the history of the thirteen days President Jimmy Carter, Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin, and Egyptian president Anwar Sadat spent in 1978 at Camp David, culminating in the signing of the first peace treaty in the modern Middle East, between Israel and Egypt.

ABC News Nightline

Expanded edition of Nightline covering the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and the reactions from key political figures including: former President Jimmy Carter and Henry Kissinger.

Nasser and Sadat

decision making and foreign policy (1970-1972)
Analyzes from a foreign policy perspective Egyptian President Nasser's request for Soviet aid during the War of Attrition and President Sadat's orders to remove the Soviet forces.

Anwar Sadat

A biography of the famous Egyptian leader, tracing his rise to power, his part in the 1973 war with Israel, and his role in the peace process, which won him the Nobel peace prize.


the man who changed Mid-East history
Traces the rise of Anwar el-Sadat from his peasant origins to the presidency of Egypt, Nobel Peace Prize winner, and dominant figure in world politics.

Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin

negotiating peace in the Middle East
Profiles the efforts to bring lasting peace to the Middle East by Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Prime Minister of Israel, Menachem Begin, in the 1970s, their rise to power, and the challenges each faced.

Anwar Sadat

Traces the life of the Egyptian leader from his humble beginnings, through his military career and years in prison, to his years as president of Egypt and his outstanding efforts to make peace with Israel.

Anwar Sadat

A biography of the Egyptian President who worked for peace in the Middle East.
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