Wilson, Ian

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The blood and the shroud

new evidence that the world's most sacred relic is real


the true story behind the Biblical account
Scientific data and archaeological accounts concerning recent theories and arguments relating to the historical foundations of the Biblical Exodus. Wilson pulls together a wide range of modern investigations and speculations which attempt to identify, among other things, the ruling pharaoh; the various locations of the Biblical terrain; and the dating of the Hebrews' arrival in Egypt. Using such contemporary evidence as the Mount St. Helens eruption, Wilson weaves the geological details with the historical to create a fascinating account of how and why the Exodus story took place.

Before the flood

the biblical flood as a real event and how it changed the course of civilization
Analyzes the archeological evidence surrounding the Black Sea flood to support the idea of the flood described in the Bible.

Past lives

unlocking the secrets of our ancestors

The blood and the shroud

new evidence that the world's most sacred relic is real

The Shroud of Turin

the burial cloth of Jesus Christ?


the evidence
An investigative report of the evidence surrounding the origins of Christianity and the life of Jesus Christ.


the man behind the prophecies
Chronicles the life of sixteeth-century physician and prophet Michel de Nostredame, better known as Nostradamus, discussing his early years, his skillful treatment of Black Plague sufferers, his flight from agents of the Spanish Inquisition, and his career as an advisor to the king of France.


the fascinating world of undiscovered places, graves, wrecks, and treasure
With maps, text, and photographs, the author discusses various undiscovered places, graves, wrecks, and treasures to be discovered around the world.

The mysterious shroud

On cover: The most up-to-date historical and scientific information and interpretation of the Shroud of Turin with 77 black and white and 35 full-color photographs.
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