A First book

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Landslides, slumps, & creep

Describes the causes and consequences of landslides, avalanches, and other, sometimes rapid, sometimes slow, downward movements of rocks, soil, and/or snow.

Going to camp

An introduction to camp life, the schedule, staff, activities, and also some of the anxieties one may feel at summer camp.

World War I

Spotlights the important events and people of World War I.

Life in the deep sea

Presents a history of deep sea exploration as well as a description of the landscape and life found there.

Poisonous plants

Provides information on poisonous plants and their identification, including both house plants and those that grow in the wild.

Famous aviators of World War II

Presents biographical sketches of five American fighter pilots and aviation heroes of World War II. Includes descriptions of the types of aircraft, a glossary of aviation terms, and explanations of military ranks and command structure in the U.S. Air Force.

Baseball's Hall of Fame

Provides brief sketches of fifty members of the Baseball Hall of Fame, including players, managers, and executives from all eras of the sport. Includes a complete list of members.

The African cats

Describes the physical characteristics and behavior patterns of ten types of cats found in Africa.


Describes different kinds of turtles, tortoises, and sea turtles and the endangered status of some species.

Balloons, zeppelins, and dirigibles

Traces the history of airships from the eighteenth century to the present describing the principal inventors, various models, and uses of balloons, dirigibles, and zeppelins. Also includes a list of ballooning clubs.


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