A First book

Compare Series: 

Ancient Rome

An account of life in ancient Rome, from its founding through the rise of Christianity and the fall of the Roman Empire, including its history, art, and important people.

Science in ancient Rome

Describes how the Romans put to use and expanded the scientific achievements of earlier civilizations.

Science in Ancient Egypt

Discusses the achievements of the ancient Egyptians in science, mathematics, astronomy, medicine, agriculture, and technology.

Science experiments

Provides instructions for science experiments and projects in botany, physics, energy, and nature, using such everyday objects as kitchen utensils, sink, and bathtub.

How to write a report

Step-by-step instructions for writing a report, including choosing and understanding the subject, building a bibliography, taking notes, outlining, and writing the final draft.

Simple electrical devices

Descriptions and experiments introduce and explain electric cells, batteries, and other simple electric devices.

Sign language

Discusses the development of sign language and describes how it is used in conjunction with finger spelling, speechreading, and other forms of communication to help individuals with impaired hearing.

Indians of the eastern woodlands

Discusses the origins, history, and way of life of the Indians of the northeastern United States before and after the arrival of the white man.

Thomas Jefferson

Examines the life, political career, and achievements of the third president of the United States, including a discussion of his beliefs and their influence on the Declaration of Independence.

The Aztecs

Discusses the beginnings of the ancient American civilization, its people and their way of life, and the coming of the Spanish conquistadores.


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