Rohr, Janelle

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Animal rights

opposing viewpoints
Presents thirty-two articles debating the question of whether animals have rights.

Problems of Africa

opposing viewpoints

Death and dying

opposing viewpoints
Opposing viewpoints create a running debate on such issues as coping with death, suicide, euthanasia, and care for the dying.

The Third World

opposing viewpoints
Presents opposing viewpoints on various economic, social, and humanitarian issues involving the developing countries of the Third World.

Eastern Europe

opposing viewpoints
Presents opposing viewpoints on the division of Europe, the effects of recent revolutions in Eastern Europe, economic policies Eastern Europe should adopt, the impact of German unification, and the possibility of a united Europe.

The Middle East

opposing viewpoints
Presents a wide range of perspectives to provoke questions on the complex issues surrounding the Middle East.

Animal rights

opposing viewpoints
Presents thirty-two articles debating the question of whether animals have rights.

Violence in America

opposing viewpoints
Various authors debate the causes of violence, the prevalance of family and teen violence, the motivation of serial killers, and ways to reduce violence.
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