The Basic investor's library

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Investment banking

One in a fourteen-volume series, this volume explains the role of investment banking in the business world, the concepts of underwriting and issuing stocks and bonds, and mergers.

Investments and the law

Discusses the legal regulations pertaining to securities in the United States and the organizations which administer such laws.

Investing and trading

Offers advice on selecting a stockbroker and explains various aspects of trading and investing, including margin accounts, investment clubs, and mutual funds.

Stock options

Introduces stock options, explains puts and calls and how they work, and discusses strategies for using these investments.

Careers in the investment world

Describes the work of those in the investment industry and the people who work in the industry whether on Wall Street or in firms around the world.

Understanding a company

Explains how to identify and learn more about the best companies in which to invest, with an emphasis on the reading of financial statements and the basics of analysis.
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