
Topical Term

Intellectual development

Explores the core concepts and fundamentals of intellectual development from a psychological perspective, explaining how the brain processes information and allows individuals to learn, remember, and communicate, and discussing theories on learning, language acquisition, creativity, and other related topics. Includes teacher notes.

Mind in motion

how action shapes thought
Offers a major new theory of human cognition: movement and our interactions with space, not language, are the foundations of thought.

Hare brain, tortoise mind

why intelligence increases when you think less
Psychologist Guy Claxton explains why the human mind works best when people trust their unconscious thoughts and learn to ignore their results-oriented thinking.

Keep sharp

build a better brain at any age
"Dr. Sanjay Gupta offers insights from top scientists all over the world, whose cutting-edge research can help you heighten and protect brain function and maintain cognitive health at any age. "--.

The runaway species

how human creativity remakes the world
An exploration of human creativity that looks at the cognitive software that generates new ideas.
Cover image of The runaway species

The survival guide for school success

use your brain's built-in apps to sharpen attention, battle boredom, and build mental muscle
Provides ten tools to help students improve executive functions such as focus, motivation, organization, self-monitoring, and more.
Cover image of The survival guide for school success

Think like a freak

the authors of Freakonomics offer to retrain your brain
Cover image of Think like a freak

The eureka factor

aha moments, creative insight, and the brain
Explains how insights arise and what scientific research says about stimulating more of them.

Brain boot camp

secret strategies to become instantly smarter
Discusses a number of ways one can improve the thought process with examples.

Make it stick

the science of successful learning


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