Issue and debate

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The U.S. health care crisis

the fight over access, quality, and cost
Photographs, illustrations, and text show how our present health care system evolved and what is now available to American citizens. Various proposals for reform are considered.

Campaign financing

politics and the power of money
Text with accompanying photographs explain how PACs, or Political Action Committees work and how they and other donors use techniques to get around legal campaign limits, showing how the problem of campaign financing has affected American life.

Gun control

public safety and the right to bear arms
Presents arguments for and against the licensing and control of firearms in the United States, examining the historical role of guns, the constitutionality of restricting gun ownership, past and current legislation, and proposals for new restrictions.

Church and state

government and religion in the United States
Discusses the division between government and religion in the United States and problems in such areas as school prayer, public displays of religious symbols, and religious practices that violate the law.


newcomers and their impact on the United States

Image and substance

the media in U.S. elections
Examines the critical role played by the print and broadcasting media in American politics; the history and impact of this relationship; and the use and abuse of the media in a democratic society.

Violence and the media

Explores the role that media violence plays in the lives of people who are exposed to it on television, in reading materials, and on the radio, discussing whether there is a correlation between violence in the media and in society, and what can be done about the problem.


whose problem is it?
Discusses the issue of homelessness, examining who the homeless are, how they become that way, and differing views on how to deal with the problem.


rights, options, and choices
Examines the changing legal, medical, and moral issues surrounding abortion before and since Roe v. Wade; considers both anti-abortion and pro-choice points of view.

Police under fire

An examination of police culture, discussing the requirements and training men and women go through to become a police officer, looking at the on-the-job challenges and dangers they face, and investigating some cases of police brutality and corruption.


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