Describes the deadly 1888 snowstorm in the Great Plains that killed more than five hundred people including numerous schoolchildren, describing how the storm devastated immigrant families and dramatically affected pioneer advancement.
Collection of quotations from works of philosophy, poetry, economics, memoirs, politics, psychology, and letters from the ancient Greeks to the modern Americans. Arranged alphabetically by thinker and indexed by theme.
an American journey from Ellis Island to the great war
Laskin, David
European immigrants who left their native lands for America in the years during World War I often found themselves an immigrant one day and a soldier the next. The newly-arrived men were proud to serve their new country and those who survived were profoundly altered as their heroic service reshaped their families and the nation itself.
Discusses the history of weather in the United States from the Anasazi Indians to modern weather forecasting technology and shows how weather has shaped the nation and how people have tried to cope with it over time.