Introduces ten of the world's largest caves, including the Carlsbad Caverns, Lascaux, Mammoth Cave, and Waitomo, with information on their location, features, animal inhabitants, and more.
Presents information about the location, features, and human and animal inhabitants of the ten largest deserts in the world, including the Sahara, the Taklamakan, the Sonoran, and the Thar.
Provides information about the surroundings, course, and importance of ten of the world's longest rivers, including the Nile, the Mississippi, the Yenisei, and the Paran?.
Introduces ten major mountain ranges of the world, including the Andes, Himalayas, Rocky Mountains, and Tien Shan and describes their formation, length, height, plant and animal life, and human inhabitants.
Presents information about the locations, features, and other aspects of the world's ten largest lakes, including Lake Superior, Lake Victoria, Lake Tanganyika, and the Caspian Sea.