washington, booker t.

washington, booker t.

Up from slavery

An autobiography in which Booker T. Washington, the son of a slave woman and a white man, discusses how he rose from slavery to become one of the most influential African-American leaders in the U.S., and founder of the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama.
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Up from slavery

an autobiography
Presents the autobiography of Bookter T. Washington, a man who, though born in slavery, escaped bondage, educated himself, and went on to found Tuskegee Institute.
Cover image of Up from slavery

Booker T. Washington

African-American leader
"A simple biography for early readers about Booker T. Washington's life"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Booker T. Washington

A hunger for learning

a story about Booker T. Washington
Profiles the career and achievements of Booker T. Washington, the African-American educator who founded the Tuskegee Institute.

With books and bricks

how Booker T. Washington built a school
Describes how former slave Booker T. Washington, after being invited to teach in Tuskegee, Alabama, discovered many eager students, but no school, and set out to build his own school, brick by brick.

Booker T. Washington

Simple text and photographs introduce the life of Booker T. Washington.
Cover image of Booker T. Washington

Booker T. Washington

Presents a beginner's biography of African-American educator and social reformer Booker T. Washington.
Cover image of Booker T. Washington

Who was Booker T. Washington?

Chronicles the life ofAfrican American Booker T. Washingt on, who became an inpirational teacher, speaker and author.
Cover image of Who was Booker T. Washington?

Who was Booker T. Washington?

African American educator, author, speaker, and advisor to presidents of the United States, Booker Taliaferro Washington was the leading voice of former slaves and their descendants during the late 1800s. As part of the last generation of leaders born into slavery, Booker believed that blacks could better progress in society through education and entrepreneurship, rather than trying to directly challenge the Jim Crow segregation.
Cover image of Who was Booker T. Washington?

Fifty cents and a dream

"Born into slavery, young Booker T. Washington could only dream of learning to read and write. After emancipation, Booker began a five-hundred-mile journey, mostly on foot, to Hampton Institute, taking his first of many steps towards a college degree. When he arrived, he had just fifty cents in his pocket and a dream about to come true."--Amazon.com.


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