international cooperation

Topical Term
international cooperation

Water wars

drought, flood, folly, and the politics of thirst
Reveals the influence of water on politics and history, peeling back the layers of history to show the effect of this vital natural resource on human affairs.

The history, structure, and reach of the United Nations

Describes the history, purpose, and organization of the United Nations and describes the work of its many specialized agencies.

Antiterrorism policy and fighting fear

Terrorism is explored in the context of the UN's international peace and security policies.

World Health Organization

An introduction to the World Health Organization established by the United Nations, discussing how the organization began, who they help, and more.

The World Health Organization

The World Health Organization is a very important international agency. Around the world this group's volunteers and staff are working to treat disease outbreaks, provide immunizations and medicine, and improve worldwide health care.

Waterborne illnesses

Explores various types of waterborne illnesses, discussing what they are, how they are treated, and global efforts to prevent them.

Life on the International Space Station

An introduction to life aboard the International Space Station, covering being weightless, personal hygiene, jobs and scientific experiments, crewmembers, and more.

World Health Organization

Describes the founding, development, and staffing of the World Health Organization, and its focus on immunization, disease prevention, sanitation and nutrition as well as combating disease.

1999, Fast forward, People's century

"As communication and business cross national boundaries as never before, global politics are increasingly driven by global economics, and the power of free markets and new technologies are transforming people's lives the world over."--Container.

Pandemics and global health

A comprehensive overview of pandemics and their influence on global health that examines major types of infectious agents and modes of transmission, worldwide pandemics and attempts to control them, outbreaks and methods of fighting them, and other related topics.


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