Heroes of the faith

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Samuel Morris

the apostle of simple faith
A biography of the son of a Kru village chief who escaped from his cruel captors in Liberia and who was eventually led by the Holy Spirit to make his way to the United States, where he in turn led many to God.

John Wesley

founder of the Methodist church
Describes the life of John Wesley, the Anglican minister who founded the Methodist Church.

John Bunyan

author of The Pilgrims's Progress
Describes the life of John Bunyan, itinerant English Puritan preacher and author of many religious books and sermons, including "Pilgrim's Progress.".

Mother Teresa

missionary of charity
Presents the life and times of the nun who founded the Order of the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, won the Nobel Peace Prize, and dedicated her life to helping the destitute.

Billy Graham

the great evangelist
Presents the life and times of the evangelist whose message of hope and love has brought him world-wide following and fame.

Martin Luther

the great reformer
A biography of the German monk who led the Protestant Reformation in Europe from its beginning in 1517 until his death in 1546.

George Washington Carver

inventor and naturalist
A biography of the African American scientist who overcame tremendous hardship, received a college education, and made important discoveries in the field of agriculture.

David Livingstone

missionary and explorer
Discusses the explorer's formative years in Scotland, training as a missionary, expeditions to Africa, and many discoveries there.

Sojourner Truth

American abolitionist
Presents the life and times of the woman born into slavery who became a well-known abolitionist and crusader for the rights of African-Americans.
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