The teen health library of eating disorder prevention

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Starving to Win:Athletes and Eating Disorders

eating disorders and athletes.

Eating Disorder Survivors Tell Their Stories

eating disorder experiences.

Exercise addiction

when fitness becomes an obsession
Focuses on exercise addiction and its relationship to eating disorders; explains how compulsive exercise can be harmful and how one can get help to deal with it.

Compulsive eating

the struggle to feed the hunger inside
Discusses the social and psychological causes of compulsive eating and provides guidance for those struggling with this problem.

Exercise addiction

when fitness becomes an obsession
Focuses on exercise addiction and its relationship to eating disorders; explains how compulsive exercise can be harmful and how one can get help to deal with it.

What's real, what's ideal

overcoming a negative body image
Examines the causes and consequences of negative feelings about one's body and discusses ways to develop a more positive and accepting self-awareness.

Weight-loss programs

weighing the risks and realities
Discusses the relationship between health and diet and examines a variety of commercial weight-loss programs and the health risks that they pose to their members.

Inside eating disorder support groups

Discusses eating disorders in relation to support groups, the interactions occurring in such groups, what happens in a meeting, how to start a group, and the positive benefits available from such support.

Food and love

dealing with family attitudes about weight
Examines the role that food plays in the home and how the family affects self-image, and provides suggestions for healthy living to protect against eating disorders.

Eating disorder survivors tell their stories

Four survivors of anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and compulsive overeating share their experiences and give advice for the recovery of others.


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