naval operations

Geographic Name
naval operations

Big bad ironclad!

a Civil War steamship showdown
Revolutionary War spy, Nathan Hale, tells a hangman and British officer about the ironclad steam warships used in the Civil War.

John Paul Jones

American naval hero
Primary sources help chronicle the life of American navel hero John Paul Jones.

Iron thunder

the battle between the Monitor & the Merrimac : a Civil War novel
Tom is caught between working on the Monitor ship and giving spies information about the Monitor.

The Rest I will kill

William Tillman and the unforgettable story of how a free black man refused to become a slave
On Independence Day, 1861, the schooner S.J. Waring set sail from New York on a routine voyage to South America. Seventeen days later the schooner limped back into New York's harbor with the ship's Black steward, William Tillman, at the helm. The Waring had been overtaken by a marauding crew of Confederate privateers. The white sailors got along well with their Southern captors, but free Black man William Tillman was very aware of the fate that awaited him in the slave markets of the South. Nine days after capture, Tillman killed three officers of the privateer crew and took the ship's wheel and pointed it back to New York. He had no experience as a navigator, only one other helper, and the Atlantic sea to contend with. After five perilous days at sea, the Waring was home and Tillman was recognized as a hero for not only getting the best of the Confederate crew, but for saving the ship and its contents for the Waring's owners.

John Paul Jones and the birth of the American Navy

Briefly explores the life of American Revolutionary War figure John Paul Jones and his role in creating the American Navy.

The 290

A shipyard apprentice finds high adventure aboard the "S.S. Alabama," a Confederate ship which sails the Atlantic destroying Union vessels.

The town that fooled the British

a War of 1812 story
On August 10, 1813, with the British navy advancing up the Chesapeake Bay to destroy the shipyards in St. Michaels, Maryland, young Henry Middle thinks of a way to save his home town from British cannons.

John Paul Jones and the birth of the American Navy

A brief biography of John Paul Jones and an introduction to American naval operations during the American Revolution.

The pirate coast

Thomas Jefferson, the first marines, and the secret mission of 1805
Examines President Thomas Jefferson's covert operation against the country of Tripoli in 1805 to attempt the rescue of three hundred U.S. sailors and marines by Barbary pirates and the political ramifications as a result.

Victory in Tripoli

how America's war with the Barbary pirates established the U.S. Navy and built a nation
Recounts the unprovoked attacks on Americans by Muslim terrorists sworn to carry out jihad against all Western powers in 1805, the challenges faced by the new nation and its president, Thomas Jefferson,and examines the events that gave birth to the Navy and the Marines.


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