medical botany

Topical Term
medical botany

Healing plants

Shares some interesting facts about plants, describes plants that can be used as medicines, and discusses the need for plant safety. Includes a glossary and resources for further research.

Magic and medicine of plants

A guide to the worlds of botany and medicine: including how to identify, collect, and preserve plants; how to grow healthful herbs; and their many uses in cooking, crafts, and cosmetics.

A field guide to medicinal plants

eastern and central North America
An identification guide to over five hundred medicinal plants, with information on the known uses of each plant, line drawings, and color photographs. Includes an index to medical topics.

The natural history of medicinal plants

Describes the biological and ecological importance of medicinal plants.

Pharmacy in the forest

how medicines are found in the natural world
Identifies medicinal plants and their natural habitats while also explaining how these plants are found and tested for medical value.

An instant guide to medicinal plants

the medicinal plants of North America and their uses described and illustrated in full color
An illustrated identification guide that profiles North American plants and trees known for their medicinal properties, providing information on physical characteristics, habitat, distribution, medicinal properties and uses, similar useful plants, and dangerous and poisonous plants; also provides medical and botanical glossaries.

Medicine quest

in search of nature's healing secrets
Discusses the marriage of natural products, indigenous wisdom, and biotechnology and details discoveries that are producing medical products such as painkillers, anticoagulants and antitumor agents.

The encyclopedia of medicinal plants

Illustrated guide to over 550 plants used in herbal medicine, discussing each plant's history, traditions, and folklore as well as what is known from scientific research about its active constituents, key actions, and potential new uses. Includes an overview of the history of herbal medicine and features on herbal medicine in countries throughout the world.


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