Fifteen-year-old Jeff and his mixed-up robot, Norby, travel backwards and forwards in time and find themselves prisoners on an alien planet in another universe.
While visiting the toy and game fair on planet Izz, Jeff and Norby search for a missing robot and the villain responsible for sabotaging the planet's computer system.
Jeff Wells leaves the space academy with his mixed-up robot Norby and the two of them head back to Earth to help Jeff's brother unravel a mystery involving zapped robots and stolen computer parts.
When Jeff and his robot Norby accompany Admiral Yobo to prehistoric times so the admiral can do family research, the trip turns into a dangerous adventure.
Fourteen-year-old Jeff Wells and his robot friend Norby are suddenly transported back to 1785 in France, where they become involved with a priceless necklace, royal politics, and the accidental creation of alternate futures for Earth.