
Topical Term

The extraordinary adventures of Alfred Kropp

Through a series of dangerous and violent misadventures, teenage loser Alfred Kropp rescues King Arthur's legendary sword Excalibur from the forces of evil.

Friends to die for

Sixteen-year-old Cristina is forced to evaluate her sophisticated world of elegant New York apartments, private schools, and rich friends when a girl she knows is murdered after a party they both attended.

How Louie became a safety swimmer

Story 2, Water Safety
When the ball Louie was palying with at Camp of Champs rolled toward the water, he chased after it. Instead of catching the ball, Louie fell into the water and nearly drowned because Charlie, who was supervising the youngsters, had looked away for a critical moment. After Louie was safe and sound again, the campers and their leaders made plans to insure that all the campers would be safety swimmers in the future.

River of secrets

Fran tries to find out if her grandmother's death was an accident or not.

Just Jane

A daughter or England caught in the struggle of the American Revolution
Fourteen-year-old Jane Prentice, orphaned daughter of an English earl, arrives in Charleston South Carolina, in 1776 to find her loyalties divided over the question of American independence.

Luke's fate

Continues the adventures of Luke Skywalker whose first meeting with the droids and Ben Kenobi leads to the realization of his dreams.

The night wanderer

a graphic novel
Pierre L'Errant is the oddest man to arrive on the Otter Lake Indian reserve. He rents a room in the dark basement, and only goes out into the forest at night. Sixteen-year-old Tiffany finds him creepy, but when her relationship problems catch up with her, Tiffany flees into the forest, where she meets Pierre, and their lives both change forever.


Christmastime at Cutter Gap
Christy, a missionary teacher in Cutter Gap, becomes concerned when Ruby Mae, a student who has lived at the mission house since her mother's death and father's disappearance, announces she is spending Christmas at the old cabin with her father.

The zookeeper's sleepers

When animals in a zoo cannot sleep, their zookeeper gives them books to read.

A nice walk in the jungle

Tim repeatedly tries to warn his oblivious teacher on the class nature walk through the jungle that they are being followed by a very hungry boa constrictor, until it is almost too late.


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