Miller, Gustavus Hindman

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10,000 dreams interpreted

a dictionary of dreams from "Abandon" to "Zodiac"

10,000 dreams interpreted

12,000 dreams interpreted

a new edition for the 21st century
Lists twelve thousand objects or concepts alphabetically--such as war, a zoo, various animals, or occasions like a wedding--and interprets their meaning when they are seen in dreams.

10,000 dreams interpreted

What's in a dream

The dictionary of dreams

The dictionary of dreams

10,000 dreams interpreted : a comprehensive and thorough study of dreams
Contains ten thousand alphabetically-arranged entries that offer interpretations of things seen in dreams.

10,000 dreams interpreted

Provides interpretations of objects and situations that occur in dreams, grouped in forty thematic chapters; features an introductory essay in which the author explains his theories of dreams and the rationale behind his analysis; and includes a dream directory that lists each dream entry in alphabetical order.

10,000 dreams interpreted

a dictionary of dreams
Provides interpretations of ten thousand, visual dream symbols. Arranged alphabetically.
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