Greenblatt, Stephen

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The swerve

how the world became modern
Retraces the story of when Poggio Bracciolini found Lucretius' poem "On the Nature of Things," during the Renaissance and how the recirculation of this poem changed history.

Will in the world

how Shakespeare became Shakespeare

The Norton anthology of English literature

Provides a representive selection of writings, in diverse literary genres, of major English authors, from the Middle Ages through the twentieth century; and includes selected bibliographies, geographic nomenclature, and other reference aids, as well as an index.

The swerve

how the world became modern
Retraces the story of when Poggio Bracciolini found Lucretius' poem "On the Nature of Things," during the Renaissance and how the recirculation of this poem changed history.

Will in the world

how Shakespeare became Shakespeare
Presents a biography of sixteenth-century British playwright and poet William Shakespeare and chronicles his many works of drama during the Elizabethan period.
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