Boese, Alex

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Electrified sheep

glass-eating scientists, nuking the moon, and more bizarre experiments
Describes a variety of bizarre scientific and sociological experiments, including an electrified sheep, self surgeries, how to survive an atomic bomb, and more.

Electrified sheep

glass-eating scientists, nuking the moon, and more bizarre experiments
Chronicles eccentric scientific experiments that have been performed throughout history, including an attempt to set off nuclear explosions on the Moon and Benjamin Franklin's mouth-to-beak resuscitation on an electric-shocked chicken.

Hippo eats dwarf

a field guide to hoaxes and other b.s.
Contains thousands of examples of urban legends, spoofs, scams, advertising ploys, political doublespeak, and other hoaxes that pervade popular culture, and offers reality rules designed to help people determine the truth of what they are reading or seeing.

The museum of hoaxes

a history of outrageous pranks and deceptions
Describes successful hoaxes and hoaxers from the Middle Ages to 2002, and presents a gullibility test and a further-reading list.

Elephants on acid

and other bizarre experiments
Describes a variety of bizarre scientific and sociological experiments, including tests on the effects of LSD on an elephant, the validity of scratch-n-sniff paper, memory, sleep learning, if women who play hard to get are more attractive, and many more.
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