sound and the fury

sound and the fury

Novels for students

presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied novels
Each volume provides discussions of the literary and historical background of novels from various cultures and time periods. Includes concise synopses of plot, characters and themes, a brief author biography, discussion of the story's cultural and historical significance, and excerpted criticism.

The sound and the fury

Faulkner and the lost cause
Provides in-depth analysis of the literary work The Sound and The Fury, as well as its importance and critical reception. Includes a chronology of the life and works of the author.

The sound and the fury

an authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Presents the original text and a critical examination of William Faulker's "The Sound and The Fury" with end notes designed to assist the reader with obscure language and allusions. Contains appendix with background information and historical context.
Cover image of The sound and the fury

The sound and the fury

Faulkner and the lost cause

The Sound and the Fury

an authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
First published in 1929, Faulkner created his "heart's darling," the beautiful and tragic Caddy Compson, whose story Faulkner told through separate monologues by her three brothers?the idiot Benjy, the neurotic suicidal Quentin and the monstrous Jason.

The sound and the fury

an authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism

The sound and the fury

Faulkner and the lost cause
A study of Faulkner's 1929 novel "The Sound and the Fury" with critical commentary and an analysis of the text.

Literary masterpieces : The Sound and the fury

Gale study guides to great literature
Literary Masterpieces is one series of the trio that makes up the Gale Study Guides to Great Literature (the others are Literary Topics and Literary Masters). Each Literary Masterpieces volume chooses a book by one of the authors covered in Literary Masters and offers a discussion of themes, characters, comparisons with social events of the era when the book was written and a critical analysis. The Sound and the Fury was William Faulkner's fourth published novel and deals with four days in the lives of the Compson family of Jefferson, Mississippi. Faulker reveals the story instead of telling it, as a standard plot line would, and he makes use of disordered fragments organized in blatant disregard of conventions of linear calendar and clock time.

William Faulkner's The sound and the fury

Bloom's reviews
Presents a selection of critical analyses of William Faulkner's "The Sound and the Fury," and includes a brief biography of the author, thematic and structural analysis of the work, a list of characters, an extensive bibliography, and an index of themes and ideas.


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