history, ancient

Topical Term
history, ancient

A Soaring spirit

timeFrame, 600-400 BC
Photographs and text cover the history of Persia, Greece, the early Romans, and the unfolding of Eastern religions.

Technology in the ancient world

Introduces forms of technology developed and used by various ancient civilizations.

The seventy wonders of the ancient world

the great monuments and how they were built
Presents photographs, illustrations, and text that provide information about seventy remarkable structures around the world that were built without the benefit of modern technology.

300 B.C.

Surveys important occurrences in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas 2300 years ago.

Ancient governments

Presents a brief overview of the systems of governments of the ancient world, from the earliest civilizations of the fertile crescent, the Nile valley, the Indus valley, the Huang He Valley of China, to Japan, Europe, and the Americas, and covers a range of goverments: democracy, monarchy, oligarchy, republic, and theocracy.

Lost civilizations

Describes seven early civilizations and how their existence was discovered by archaeologists.

The world in the time of Tutankhamen

Tells about the life, death, and tomb of Tutankhamen and what was happening elsewhere in the world in his time.

The Usborne book of the ancient world

Covers early civilizations in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, India, China, and Asia Minor.

Norris McWhirter's book of millennium records

the story of human achievement in the last 2,000 years
Examines some of the highlights of human achievement over the course of two thousand years, looking at topics in the areas of everyday life, the arts, science, medicine and health, politics and government, building and engineering, transport, war and weapons, communications and the media, and sports and leisure.

Smithsonian timelines of the ancient world

Illustrated timecharts trace the unfolding of human history around the world from prehistory to the Renaissance.


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