Describes different types of airplanes that carry passengers, including the Boeing 747, Concorde, Learjet, turboprop, and hypersonic airliners of the future.
Discusses the history of the C-130 Hercules transport plane and its use in military campaigns as well as civilian missions, such as studying weather, controlling fires, and supporting researchers in Antarctica.
Contains photographs and facts about a variety of civil aircraft including the first airliners and supersonic luxury aircraft, and focuses on their specific design and purpose.
Drawings, photographs, and text describe a variety of civilian aircraft, both U.S. and foreign, including the Cessna planes, Satic Beluga, Boeing 747, Vikers VC10, and the European Airbus.
Explains how a pilots learn to fly, and looks at the math skills needed to prepare a flight plan and handle the many tasks involved in flying a jumbo jet. Includes related math activities.