Pollard, Michael

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The complete encyclopedia of the cat

Profiles over 300 cat breeds, providing color photos and covering their temperament, history, and physical characteristics, and discusses general cat care, including nutrition, grooming, breeding, training, health care, and more.
Cover image of The complete encyclopedia of the cat

The complete encyclopedia of cats

A highly informative and highly illustrated guide to the world of cats. 1000 pictures and over 300 species.

Making things move

Describes the development of making things move from the invention of the wheel, to engines, then finally to the present rocket technology.

The Mississippi

Traces the course of the river Mark Twain immortalized; describes its physical features, history, and importance.

The Ganges

Traces the course of this famous river in India and describes its physical features, history, and importance.

From cycle to spaceship

the story of transport
Surveys the diverse forms of transport that have been developed since the invention of the wheel, including the bicycle, jet plane, high-speed train, and automobile, and explains the forces at work in making things move.

The Yangtze

Traces the course of the third longest river in the world, the Yangtze in China, and describes its physical features, history, importance as a source of food and for transportation, and more.

Margaret Mead

bringing world cultures together
Examines the life of the noted anthropologist who worked to help people all over the world understand each other's cultures.


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