Widmer, Edward L

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American speeches

Contains the unabridged texts of forty-five speeches by Americans such as George Washington, Patrick Henry, Daniel Webster, Sojourner Truth, and Abraham Lincoln, presented in chronological order from 1761 to 1865.
Cover image of American speeches

American speeches

Contains the unabridged texts of eighty-three speeches by Americans such as Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Franklin Roosevelt, Martin Luther King, Jr., Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton, presented in chronological order from 1865 to 1997.

American speeches

Contains forty-seven notable political speeches from throughout the history of the United States, from Patrick Henry's 1775 address before the Virginia Convention, to Barack Obama's 2008 meditation on race.

The New York Times disunion

modern historians revisit and reconsider the Civil War from Lincoln's election to the Emancipation Proclamation
Modern historians revisit and reconsider the Civil War from Lincoln's election to the Emancipation Proclamation.


a century of presidential races from the photo archives of the New York times
A collection of photographs from the archives of "The New York Times, " that chronicle the history of presidential campaigns throughout the twentieth century.

Martin Van Buren

Chronicles the life of President Martin Van Buren and examines his political career at a U.S. Senator, governor, Secretary of State, and Vice President under Andrew Jackson as well as his presidency and the economic disasters that cost him his second term.
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