Inderieden, Nancy

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How to have fun with a flower garden

Simple instructions for planting and caring for a flower garden.

How to have fun making lunch

Directions for preparing and serving hamburgers, hotdogs, and peanut butter sandwiches for lunch.

How to have fun with macrame

A simple introduction to macrame with instructions for a variety of projects.

How to have fun making mobiles

Gives instructions for creating simple mobiles using such materials as paper, cardboard, sticks, styrofoam, wood, clay, and wire.

How to have fun knitting

A brief history of knitting, instructions for basic stitches and patterns, and directions for three easy projects.

How to have fun with an indoor garden

Simple instructions for creating small indoor root, seed, and herb gardens and a terrarium.

How to have fun making birdhouses and birdfeeders

Lists the necessary tools and materials and gives instructions for constructing bird feeders and birdhouses for a variety of birds.

How to have fun making Christmas decorations

Simple instructions for making Christmas ornaments with easily available materials.
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