Little Miss

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Little Miss Chatterbox

Little Miss Chatterbox loses a series of jobs because of her tendency to talk when she should be listening to her customers' requests, but then she finds just the right job for her.

Little Miss Brainy

Little Miss Brainy gets tired of answering easy questions and wants a challenge, so she sets out to find someone who can stump her.

Little Miss Star

Little Miss Star finds a way to fulfill her dream of being famous.

Little Miss Wise

Little Miss Wise thinks she is very smart to always say no when her friends want to play, but then she realizes that none of her friends like her anymore and she decides to always say yes instead.

Little Miss Scatterbrain

Miss Scatterbrain is forgetful indeed, not remembering names or even where she puts her things.

Little Miss Naughty

It takes a very special person to cure Miss Naughty of her troublesome pranks.


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