Chronicles the reaction of the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) to the September 11 attacks and the October 2001 anthrax attacks, focusing on USAMRIID's top virologist, Peter Jahrling, and his work to combat the possible development of a superpox virus by terrorists worldwide.
Provides information about smallpox, a quickly spreading virus that has caused several plagues throughout history, describes the symptoms of the disease, and looks at the development of a vaccine which has led to the eradication of the virus.
When a smallpox epidemic strikes Boston in 1721, eleven-year-old Rob becomes the sole caregiver of his stepfather and brother during the time of their illness.
Describes the history of smallpox in the Americas, covering the arrival of the Spanish as carriers, its spread throughout the New World, the development of the smallpox vaccine, the elimination of the disease, and its potential use as a terrorist weapon.
Living on the western Canadian prairie in the nineteenth century, Sweetgrass, a fifteen-year-old Blackfoot Indian girl, saves her family from a smallpox epidemic and proves her maturity to her father.
While conducting research for a school paper on smallpox, Mitty finds an envelope containing 100-year-old smallpox scabs and fears that he has infected himself and all of New York City.
Presents an overview of smallpox, covering its history, scope, diagnosis, treatment, research, and prevention; and includes a glossary, a bibliography, and a list of related organizations.