safety education

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safety education

A smart kid's guide to social networking online

Online networking is the wave of the future. However, many social networking sites are not appropriate for elementary school-aged kids. This book explains online social networking and explores kid-friendly networking options.
Cover image of A smart kid's guide to social networking online

Don't talk to strangers online

Simple text and colorful illustrations show how to safely use the Internet and why children should only talk to people they know while online.
Cover image of Don't talk to strangers online

Navigating cyberspace

Discusses the hazards of cyberspace, what dangers to watch out for, being prepared, and more.
Cover image of Navigating cyberspace

Staying safe on the street

Simple text and color photos show how to stay safe on the street, covering such topics as sidewalks, crossing the street, and strangers.
Cover image of Staying safe on the street

Bicycle safety

Simple text and color photographs introduce young readers to bicycle safety.
Cover image of Bicycle safety

At home

Simple text and illustrations teach children how to keep safe in the home when using electricity, handling hot things, or taking medicine.

Food safety

This book will introduce you to the world of food safety--what can go wrong and what you can do about it.
Cover image of Food safety

I won't go with strangers

As Lu waits in the rain after school, many people offer to take her home but she will only go with someone on the list of those allowed to pick her up. Includes resources for adults and a form for the reader to make his or her own list, with a parent or guardian's help.
Cover image of I won't go with strangers

Staying safe at school

"How do I stay safe at school? Fire drills, tornado drills, lockdowns ... School bus safety, playground rules, lunchroom do's and don'ts ... [This book] . . . defines the many ways school communities keep their members safe"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Staying safe at school

Flying cars

A basic introduction to flying cars, focusing on the history of flying cars, the different kinds of flying cars, the important parts of a flying car, and the safety rules designers must follow.
Cover image of Flying cars


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