An owner's guide to a happy healthy pet

Compare Series: 

Dog behavior

Explains the different aspects of dog behavior and discusses what a dog's behavior can tell its owner, how a dog expresses its emotions, how to change disruptive behavior, and other related topics.

The budgie

Reference guide to caring for the special needs of budgies, with information on choosing a bird, traveling with the bird, physical health, space requirements, and grooming the bird.

The lovebird

An illustrated guide to owning lovebirds as pets, providing information about the housing, care, feeding, and health of the birds, and discusses lovebird behavior, tricks, and training.

The zebra finch

Reference guide to caring for the special needs of the zebra finch, with information on choosing a bird, traveling with the bird, physical health, space requirements, and grooming the bird.

Setting up a saltwater aquarium

An illustrated guide to setting up a saltwater aquarium, discussing what type of fish to choose, caring for your fish, and maintaining the tank.

The parrot

Reference guide to caring for the special needs of parrots, with information on speech capacity, space requirements and personality, setting up the right home, physical health, and mental stimulation.

The iguana

Reference guide to caring for the special needs of iguanas, with information on how to feed, house, and groom them.

The ferret

Reference guide to caring for the special needs of ferrets, with information on training and socializing your ferret, legal issues, introducing it to family and friends, health issues, treatments, and cures.


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